Fall Youth Chorus


Fall Youth Chorus

Group class dates for 2024-25

Session 1
Time: Thursdays, 5–6:30 pm
Date: 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 + Sunday October 20 (World Singing Day in Bristol) Concert at 1 pm

Instructor: Ali Gibson

A fun chorus experience for young people ages 9-13, grades 4th-8th.  If you have a child who loves to sing or wants to learn how to make music using their voice in the company of friends, this class is for you.

The Fall class includes six sessions and a performance at World Singing Day in Bristol!

No experience necessary, just a love for music and a willingness to learn and explore new things.

Fee: $150, there is also a one-time $45 enrollment fee, if you are new to the MCMC community. 

(Note: Recurring students should be in touch with Lara@mcmcvt.org to have the enrollment fee waived prior to registration.)