Why do you like coming to the Music Together® program?
“Socially, it’s a great thing, but also we were pretty amazed in terms of Ava, our four year-old’s experiences. I think that being exposed to music at an early age really helps with her language development, and then also just being able to see in general, she’s now very musical, and her behaviors I’m seeing are pretty amazing.”
-Allison / parent

Why do you think learning music is important?
“Life is music, right? And I think it’s good to tune into the nice harmonies that are around you. I think it’s a way for children to learn in a group setting, and for parents to see how their kids are learning, and it’s sort of a natural thing, I think, to sort of find your voice. Everyone kind of dials into the class at one point or another, and it’s pretty cool when that happens, you can kind of see the kids get into it.”
- Matt / Parent

Why do you think music is important?
“Music is important for a lot of reasons. I think more than anything, we like that there are a constant set of challenges that the kids discover and then overcome on their way to discovering the next challenge. Perseverance in the presence of incremental challenges is an incredibly important skill to develop, and the satisfaction of overcoming these difficulties during practice or lessons keeps the kids excited & willing to keep going.”
- Jeff Taylor / Parent

What do you love about learning music?
“I love music because it makes me feel like I’m a bird floating above the keys of the notes, and it’s very peaceful, and it’s one of my favorite places to be in music, and it just makes me feel like I’m very lucky to have a musical family, and I love music.”
-C. Brightman / 5th grade

What do you experience while learning music?
“Learning music is something I do for myself, but I also have two young children (ages 4 and 6) who see me practicing and trying and making mistakes and putting in effort. So I have the joy of learning for myself but also setting an example for them.”
- Carey Bass / adult piano student